Concorde Captains

This is a complete listing of every one of the 73 Captains qualified to fly Concorde in British Airways service.

If you are searching for a particular name and it does not appear on this list, then that person was never a British Airways Captain qualified to fly Concorde.

Allen, RPW

Andersson R

Baillie A

Bannister M

Bates, S

Barton KP

Boas RJL

Bradshaw JAD

Brister, DA

Britton NA

Brodie LD

Budd AL

Butterley JD

Burton JW

Calvert BJ

Chorley JL

Cook JD

Dixon RV

Douglas PM

Duffey PRW

Eames JD

Edmondson DA

Ellis DH

Emmett M

Gunton V

Harkness JA

Henderson T

Hirst JW

Horton PW

Hutchinson JC

Jolliffe CCR

Leney KD

Linfield HJ

Lowe WD

Mallinson P

Massie AJ

McMahon CB

McMullen HC

McNeilly IC

Meadows AR

Mills A

RA Mills

Morley CJC

Morris CC

Mussett GF

Myers K

Norris CE

O'Connor M

Oliver B (CAA)

Orchard T

Owen R

Rendall DJM

Reid J (CAA)

Reynolds E

Riley MA

Robertson S

Robinson M

Ross DG

Rowland DC

Scott L

Smith RS

Studd D

Thompson A

Titchener BGT

Todd NV

Smith J

Walpole BO

Wand SD

Weidner R

Westray R

White JR

Williams G (CAA)

Woodley D